'Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the shop
Keith Richards is rockin’, his book sales won’t stop.
Cleopatra’s in pearls and Bill Bryson’s at home,
While Mark Twain dishes dirt in a weighty old tome.
Bestsellers are placed on the bookshelves with care,
In hopes that our customers soon will be there;
Squirrels meet Chipmunks all snug in their beds
while Crafts for Poor People dance in their heads
There’s Griftopia Grinches and Jon Stewart’s Earth
Franzen’s Freedom, – just see what they’re worth!
With Southern Pies and La Cuisine for the belly,
Keys to Good Cooking with a bowlful of jelly.
A pair of Sedarises can be bought by the half,
we’re settling in for a long winter's laugh.
Then out on 9th Street, there arose such a clatter.
We sprang from the store to see what was the matter.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear,
A Sustain-a-Bull bull and eight tiny reindeer!
And we heard the bull roar, as the team rose ascendant
Happy Christmas to all, and Shop Independent!